"Salt & Pepper" - excerpt 420
After an unexpected and unwanted call from his ex, Chris takes a trip to his magic box for a smoke-filled reset.
"Salt & Pepper" - excerpt 420
Salt & Pepper (excerpt - IV)
"Salt & Pepper" (excerpt - III)
Unacceptable Behavior, part II?
A Cross to Bare (post-release)
#AC2B - Three Minutes and Counting [excerpt]
#AC2B: Welcome to the Glosbe
Let's talk "A Cross to Bare"
What is a novelette?
Updates & Thangs
Since Home Depot is trending...
Undisputed Interviews - David Marcus
"Say What You Mean", is Live!
PLAYLIST: #SWYM - David Marcus
Let's talk, "Say What You Mean"
Is it too early for Halloween?
What's New? What's Next?
Anagram...must be two sides
Will I see you at Black Readers Con?