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Nov 11, 20234 min read
Unacceptable Behavior, part II?
Yeah, so, (a new short story collection) that's happening. But why? Well, let's talk about that. And how about an excerpt to boot?

Apr 14, 202211 min read
Gatekeeper | "Strictly Business"
The stakes are high and the odds dire, as Diam attempts to marry the executing of two contracts at the same time in London.

Apr 13, 202210 min read
Gatekeeper | "Brixton Bound"
On a trip to London, Diam makes an impromptu stop to deliver a rare in-person message. "You" are a client, not my boss! #neverforget that

Apr 2, 20225 min read
Gatekeeper | "Espresso"
Diam Rousseau's latest contract takes him to Salzburg, Austria to track a pharmaceutical scientist who's created new super heroin.

Apr 2, 20225 min read
Don't Blink (Gatekeeper series)
Don't Blink, is a series of flash fiction-esque shorts chronicling the exploits of your soon to be favorite assassin, Diam Bleu Rousseau.

Oct 16, 20219 min read
The Gatekeeper & the descendant
In the case of satisfying his latest contract, Diam Rousseau comes across an unintended target who executive produces his latest kill.
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